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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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Entre l'effort et l'oubli


Country: Canada

Production of Office national du film du Canada
Directed by:
Maurice-André Aubin

Producer: Thérèse Descary
Directors: Guy Maguire

Directing: Georges Payrastre, Roger Rochat
Sound: Michael McGee, Esther Auger

Editing: Dominique Fortin
Soundmixing: France Dubé
Rerecording: Jean-Pierre Joutel
Story: Thérèse Descary, Francine Tougas, Maurice-André Aubin

Music: Daniel Lavoie

Actors: Daniel Lavoie, Maurice - André Aubin, Thérèse Descary, Francine Tougas

This dynamic documentary film, filled with inspiration, provides a word to French-speaking youth during the election «to be the best or disappear». Between joy and struggle, they express their determination to deny the statistics. The film shows the clarity, the courage, the passion and the hope.

Video: Daniel l'effort et l'oubli