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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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Album «Live au Divan vert»/«Le meilleur de Daniel Lavoie»

This compilation of 12 parts, most popular Daniel`s songs, is the result of creative work by good friends company, who have spent many days together during «Ici» tour and decided to give the final performance at the very end in the studio rather than on stage.
By listening, you can feel the pleasure they received, making this recording of the most successful Daniel`s works. This is not a studio CD, the album was created live. Charm of this collaborative work gives the album «Live au Divan vert» charm, warmth and a wonderful atmosphere.
It also includes the most grandiose achievements of Daniel Lavoie: «Où la route mène», «Ils s'aiment», «Tension Attention», «Je voudrais voir New-York», «Jours de plaine» and 4 new songs such as «Le Blues du Businessman» (by Plamondon and Berger) and the new interpretation, confusing in the beginning, but with further modifications to the very last note. The first one is Theophile Gautier's poem «Carmen», set to the music by Daniel Lavoie.
There is no more need to create the collection of Daniel Lavoie`s best works yourself, here they are all on this disc.