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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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Aujourd'hui ou jamais/Now or never

Release date: 1998
Country: Canada

Director: Jean Pierre Lefebvre
Script: Jean Pierre Lefebvre , Marcel Saburen
Producer: Bernard Lallond
Operator: Robert Vanherweghem
Artist: Marc Fiquet, Nicole Pelletier

Editing: Barbara Easto, Jean Pierre Lefebvre
Premier: September, 16 1998
Director: 106 min.

Compositor: Daniel Lavoie

Leading roles:
Sean Gallacher
Michelinn Lancto
Sara Mennell
Judy Mennar
Jean-Pierre Ronfare
Marcel Saburene
Denice Benua
Cluade Branshar
Martine Dion
Louis-Georges Girard

«Aujourd'hui ou jamais» is the film, directed by Jean-Pierre Lefebvre on his own script, and the last part of the trilogy, which he started the film «Il ne faut pas mourir pour ça», released in 1967.
Synopsis: Abel, the pilot 65 years old, being in love with aviation, doesn`t fly anymore for 15 years, since the death of his best friend and co-pilot in an awful crash accident. In the end, he decided to try again the very day his father, with whom they had not seen each other for 50 years, arrived unexpectedly.
«The exclusive community convergence, shown by Lefebvre, gives the film it`s best qualities, starting with the certain poetic wind, which pervades all the parts, thanks to free and fair manner of writing and undoubted cooperation, which connects actors.» (Martin Bilodeau, 1998)