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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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Luc Plamondon sera sur le plateau d’ICI et là


Luc Plamondon was invited by Sophie Durocher to TV program «ICI et là». In honor to the output of the top box «PLAMONDON - 40 songs - 40 stars».
I wanted to be an artist ... which brought together 77 songs, written by Luc Plamondon and sung by 40 performers.
VOX is a very special program of «ICI et là», devoted entirely to the extraordinary career of the author of the most beautiful French-language songs. This special 90-minutes show will be the only grand meeting on the television, devoted to the output of this box set.
Daniel Lavoie, Louise Forestier, Renée Claude, Luce Dufault, Patsy Gallant, Martine St.Clair, Marie-Denise Pelletier, Steve Fiset, Michel Robidoux, François Cousineau, André Gagnon, Judith Bérard and many others will join the famous poet to share vivid memories and to perform his famous works.