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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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Antigone 34


Director - Roger Simonsz.
Script - Brice Homs
Dialogues - Brice Homs
Manufacturing - Mascaret films
Broadcasting - French TV (FR2)



Police Captain - Anne Le Nen
Doctor - Bruno Todeschini
Psychologist - Claire Borotra
Paul Miller - Daniel Lavoie


«Antigone 34» is a name of the police department in Antigone district of Montpelier. A police detective Léa Hippolyte works here. In her quest to fight the invisible evil she is assisted by Victor Carlier, a outcast doctor with a revoked medical license and Hélène de Soyère, a free-spirited police psychologist. While investigating «everyday crime» they face problems both local and universal in scale.


Daniel Lavoie appears in several scenes of the series (episodes 4 and 6) in a cameo of Paul Miller, a rock star and owner of a luxurious mansion in Montpelier. Hélène is content to share his bed occasionally, but she refuses his offers of a more serious relationship or a financial help. However a moment comes when Hélène decides to ask Paul for help: in order to catch a dangerous criminal who works as a call-girl the police would set up an ambush in a house of someone who agrees to book her and who would not cause any suspicions. Paul who is ready to do anything for Hélène, agrees to be that someone.


The clever plan worked and the criminal had been caught. In the final shots of the series we see Hélène leaving Paul's house and the guilty expression of her eyes suggests that she is not coming back...

Video: Antigone 34

Video: Antigone 34

Video: Clip d'Antigone 34 sur la musique de Pamela Hute