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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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Jours de Plaine

Year: 1990
Réal Bérard
Réal Bérard, Andre Leduc
Thérèse Descary, Guy Mcguire
Daniel Lavoie
December 28, 1991
6 minutes

Video: Daniel Lavoie - Jours de plaine

This is a color cartoon, lasting about 6 minutes, created by Real Berard and Andre Leduc. This animated movie shows love to the French language and Canadian West plains, celebrated by Daniel Lavoie.

The poetic vision of the composer and performer Daniel Lavoie blends with bright pictures of the artist and sculptor Real Berard in this short film, which is as moving as it is touching. Inspired by the soul of the plains, which saw their birth, these two french-manitobe artists in collaboration with André Leduc, created a cinematographic work, which is expressed by the imagination of the Canadian Francophone west. 

As in melancholy sad song with light moments, words, sound and images in «Jours de Plaine» are in perfect harmony to recreate the endless horizons of the country, «where you can see the sea in the clouds». An avid pencil trail, supported by the disturbing rhythm, fuses with soft shades of dreams and memories, turning the story of brave ancestors, who came from afar to tame the land, swept by the wind, burned by the sun. The story, created from the courage, pride, determination, and loneliness. 

Ode to «the language, which dances ... beautiful and proud language»; this film shows the unique culture, which took the top in France, and then has taken its roots in these vast prairies. And always there is the continuous breath of the wind in the fields between the lines. «Jours de Plain» appeals also to the solidarity of this extended family, which unites the Francophones of the world, that this noble and beautiful race could live in their isolated country.
The alchemy of images and music, that connects the past with the present, thrilling song with exciting images, «Jours de Plaine» says and repeats as a leitmotif, the love to the language and country.