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If I would like to make the best compliment to the singer, it would be: he has his own style.
You hear him singing, and you do not even to know the song - it's Daniel Lavoie.

Bruno Pelletier

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Album «Chats de Montréal»


Music: Gérard Beauchamp
 Lyrics: Emilio Armillès - «La Journee sans voiture» «Le festival de jazz»

Paroles: Sandrine Roy et G.Beauchamp - «Le Mont Royal»

Lyrics: Sandrine Roy et G.Beauchamp - «Le Mont Royal» Artist: Denis Truchi Cats of Montreal will carry you away to walk through their city, and then you`ll find the gift - the 13th song «Cats in Montreal». Cats Poutine, Midinette and their funny friends will accompany you with the songs, corresponding 12 months of the year, in order to show you 12 typical cases of Montreal: sugar refining (in maple wood for cooking sugar from maple sap), a botanical garden, le Mont Royal (Royal Mountain) and a jazz festival or les Francofolies ...
 Daniel performed the following songs: «Le festival de jazz» («Jazz Festival»), «La Journee sans voiture» («A day without a car»), «La Journee sans voiture» , «Le Mont Royal» («The Royal Mountain»).


